Due to current health & safety guidelines, we were unable to host annual Spring All Staff Day as we have in the past. In an effort to show our appreciation and support for our staff we held an All Day Drive-Thru on June 19, 2020. The All Staff Drive-Thru had six stations for staff to visit safely from their cars. The stations included a lunch station, dessert station, staff gift station (giving each staff COVID prevention items), years of service station (celebrating all staff that hit a 5 year anniversary), staff appreciation station (celebrating all the hard work of staff during this time and throughout the year, and a photo booth station, where each staff member was able to pose for a picture in their car. Staff were encouraged to decorate their cars for the event and several staff invited family members to ride along! Although it was not our typical All Staff Day the day was a success and helped to bring staff together during this time. We were able to document our day though a video posted below.