CAPCO’s Cortland County WIC clinic has EXPANDED to Chenango County! Our Chenango County WIC clinic opened in October at The Eaton Center in Norwich, NY and serves all of Chenango County! Check out the photos of our AMAZING Chenango County staff and our new clinic! Our clinic was featured on WBNG 12 News at our Chenango County WIC clinic in …
CAPCO Receives HUGE Halloween Donation for Food Assistance!
CAPCO was thrilled and honored to receive this INCREDIBLE donation of food supplies from the NYPIRG Trick or Eat event this year! A HUGE thank you to the SUNY Cortland Women’s ClubLacrosse team for gathering and bringing these supplies to CAPCO for children and families in our community! These donations will be used to support emergency food needs as well …
Save $ on Internet with CAPCO’s Affordable Connectivity Program!
CAPCO is operating the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), and we may be able to help you save up to $30 on your monthly internet bill! Guidelines apply, but families may be surprised at the qualifying factors! DO NOT MISS OUT on these savings. Contact CAPCO to see how you can enroll: 607-753-6781! You can also check eligibility and apply at …
CAPCO’s Scholastic BOOK FAIR!
CAPCO’s Head Start & Early Head Start Program is hosting a Scholastic BOOK FAIR that is open to our ENITRE community! Check out the schedule for the upcoming week in the photos below and stop down to check it out at our CAPCO Main Office, 32 N. Main Street, Cortland! Friday, November 3rd: 8am-4pm Monday, November 6th: 8am-4pm Tuesday, November …
Head Start & Early Head Start Begin the New School Year!
It has been a GREAT start the school year for our kiddos in Head Start & Early Head Start! Check out all the fun and learning from the first month! Thank you to our amazing staff and families for making this a great start the new school year! #CommunityAction #headstart #earlyheadstart #earlychildhood #school #learningisfun #families #HeadStartWorks
CAPCO’s 2023 Coat Drive a HUGE Success!
What an INCREDIBLE day at our Coat Drive! CAPCO provided 244 individuals and children with over 580 coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and other winter items! Thank you to all who donated from our community, including the incredible donation of new coats from Homer Men and Boys! Thank you to our staff and volunteers for their hard work on this event! …
CAPCO’s Upcoming Annual Goat Giveway_2023!
It is that time year again! CAPCO’s Annual Coat Drive and Giveaway is upcoming on Saturday, October 21st from 9-11am at the CAPCO Main Office. CAPCO is located at 32 North Main Street, Cortland, and we are currently accepting coat donations for the giveaway! Community members looking for coats and winter gear do not need to sign-up, simply show up …
October is Energy Awareness Month!
October is Energy Awareness Month, and we operate the CAPCO Energy Services Program! Our services include the Weatherization Assistance Program and programs through HEAP & NYSERDA as well as fee-for-service work for our community! CAPCO Energy Services is one of our Agency’s founding programs with services being offered in our home community of Cortland County as well as Tompkins County! …
CAPCO Receives Donation from CFCU Community Credit Union!
CAPCO is so HONORED to receive this incredible donation from CFCU Community Credit Union and their sponsorship of Cortland’s Summer Main Street Music Series! We were so surprised and delighted to be chosen for this donation that will support children and families in need in our community. Thank you to CFCU for their support of our community! #CommunityAction #donations #children …
CAPCO Conducts Poverty Simulation for Local DSS!
CAPCO brought our State of Poverty Simulation to our friends and partners at the Cortland County Department of Social Services! A Poverty Simulation is a realistic portrayal of living in a low income household for “one month.” Participants are assigned roles in households that have been based on real families receiving services from community action agencies. During the simulation, family …